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District Plan - Hauraki Gulf Islands section

District plan review

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Transport focus group - directions for working party


Group members:
Pita Rikys
Raymond Batchelor
Jeanine Clarkin
Allen Davies
Claude Lewenz
Bernhard Rhodes
Herb Romaniuk
Jan Scott
Vern Whitehead

Group support:
Karyn Sinclair (facilitator)
Bruce Young (ACC-City Planning)
Lucy McKenzie (ACC-Transport planning)
Stuart Knarston (ACC-Transport planning)
Richard Osborne (ACC consultant)

The Transport focus group at its focus group meetings on September 30 2005, November 4 2005 and December 2 2005 considered the matters outlined below:


The Transport Focus Group wishes to indicate the following directions to the working party as a result of these three focus group meetings. The comments below have been arranged in subheadings.

1.0 Transport section

It was agreed at the 2nd focus group meeting that there needs to be a separate transport section for the HGI Plan. The focus group was asked to state what the objectives should be if there was a new transport section of the HGI Plan.

  • They should be very clear statements about what the transport objectives are.
  • These objectives should give effect to the triple bottom line.
  • A decent roading system for Waiheke, especially for passenger transport.
  • A design standard needs to be developed that requires a higher standard of roading. This then needs to be referred to in the District Plan.
  • There is a need for a roading hierarchy that identifies the main route and 'has meaning'. That is, rules need to be based around the roading hierarchy.
  • Consideration needs to be given to buses and the roads need to be built to a standard that can take buses.
  • To provide for effective cycling and walking facilities, and bridle paths.
  • The plan needs to provide for innovation.
  • Consideration needs to be given to a design process led by island experts so that people who understand island issues can comment on new designs for transport issues. It would operate as an alternative version of councils existing urban design panel.

2.0 Subdivision

Some of the transport issues were outside the transport section, although some could be considered in a subdivision section.

  • When assessing subdivision applications consideration should be given to wider island transport /traffic context.
  • There needs to be incentives to reduce car dependence and traffic generation. Or, development/financial contributions should focus on the wider traffic environment.
  • Cycling and walking paths need to be requested as part of subdivision development.
  • Consider the possibility of rates relief or other financial incentives to encourage the incorporation of cycling/walking/bridle paths as part of subdivision.
  • Concern was raised over private roads and gated communities which are occurring through subdivision.

3.0 Other issues

  • Quality of roading marking was poor
  • Some thought a 2nd passenger terminal should be provided for, while others disagreed.
  • Provide for the Oneroa bypass.
  • Safety standards for buses and passengers, with decent lay-bys to reduce vehicle delay.
  • Need slower speed limits.
  • Some members suggested allowing for designated landing places on beaches, possibly for hovercrafts. Others disagreed with this.
  • Can council apply to the CAA to ban helicopters over residential areas?

Other issues were discussed at previous meetings. It was noted that some of these might fall outside the District Plan.

4.0 Cycling & walking

If the ACC Cycle and Walking strategy was to be updated it would need to:

  • Identify routes for cycling on roads to make them more suitable for cycling e.g cycle lanes.
  • Identify and develop a hierarchy of walking paths and link them to different walking/pedestrian standards.

5.0 Helicopters and airfields

The principal concern was the noise associated with helicopters flying over residential areas of Waiheke and their use for commercial operations within landscape land units. Addressing the commercial operation issue would require a change to Rule 6B.1.1.6 which provides for 4 inward and 4 outward movements per 7 day period and no more than 10 movements in any 30 day period as a permitted activity within particular land units. The focus group did not advocate a total ban on helicopters, but to limit them to appropriate locations and uses.

  • Address Rule 6B.1.1.6.
  • Limit helicopters to appropriate locations and uses.

6.0 Parking standards

It was agreed that there needs to be greater sophistication than the current standards.

  • There is a need to differentiate parking standards between business activities.