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Plans, policies and reports
Plans, policies and reports

District Plan Hauraki Gulf Islands Section - Operative 1996

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About the plan

What is the district plan?
How does the district plan achieve this?
Activity/development flow chart
What type of activities are specified in the district plan?
What activities don't need consents?
What activities need consents?
Contact details

What is the district plan?

The District Plan is a legal document which sets out the council's policies and strategies for managing the natural and physical resources of the Auckland Hauraki Gulf islands for the future.

How does the district plan achieve this?

The district plan imposes various rules to control the effects of activities and development on the Auckland Hauraki Gulf islands.

Activity/development flow chart

Activity/Development Flow Chart

What type of activities are specified in the district plan?

The district plan classifies activities into four groups:

  • Permitted These activities can be carried out as of right (eg a home occupation in a residential zone) but they must comply with the specified development controls (eg maximum building height, building yards and off-street car parking requirements).
  • Controlled These activities require additional conditions to make them suitable for their surroundings (eg building design and appearance controls, landscaping requirements, special traffic measures).
  • Discretionary Aspects of activities may not be suitable on all properties in a zone. To determine this, the council's consent is required.
  • Prohibited These activities are listed as prohibited on the Hauraki Gulf islands.
It is noted that a non-complying activity is one which is not provided for on the particular property concerned or in the plan.

What activities don't need consents?

The district plan allows certain activities to proceed without a resource consent. Generally, these are classified as permitted activities in a zone and must comply with all the zone's development controls. Usually, if these activities involve building, they will require a building consent. Other activities require a resource consent. These are:

  • controlled activities
  • discretionary activities
  • non-complying activities

What activities need consents?

A resource consent must be granted before an activity or development is started. Information about applications for resource consent are contained in Part 4 of the plan.

Contact details

Contact us for more information.