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Plans, policies and reports
Plans, policies and reports

District Plan Hauraki Gulf Islands Section - Operative 1996

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Appendices to text

Section Description
Part 12 Appendices   part012.pdf 1,121k
Appendix A - Prohibited Activities
Appendix B - Schedule of Protected Items
Appendix C - Sites of Ecological Significance
Appendix D - Rare, threatened and endemic species within the Hauraki Gulf Islands
Appendix E - Waiheke Island - Motutapu Island Radio Protection Corridor
Appendix F - Schedule of Building Restriction Yards
Appendix G - Schedule of Designated Land
Appendix H - Waiheke Island Airfields Limited Schedule of Conditions
Appendix I - Claris Airport Protection Fans
Appendix J - Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act
click here to view a complete list of the Inner Islands Planning Map Text

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Reviewed March 2009