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Plans, policies and reports
Plans, policies and reports

District Plan - Hauraki Gulf Islands section

<< Operative plan
<< Proposed plan

District plan review

What is the district plan review? | Why review now? | Consultation approach | Issues and options papers | Consultation | Focus groups | District plan review phone survey

Why review now?

Once a district plan is operative, the Resource Management Act (RMA) requires it to be reviewed every ten years.

The Hauraki Gulf Islands Section of the Auckland City District Plan became operative in July 1996. On 18 September 2006 the council publicly notified the proposed plan. Submissions closed on 11 December 2006.

Another key driver for reviewing the plan is to ensure it meets the foreseeable needs of the environment and the communities for the ensuing ten years.

There have been a number of factors that will influence the content and approaches taken in the new plan. These include:

  • changes in the communities and the natural environment of the Gulf since the plan was developed in the early 1990s
  • community expectations
  • anticipated future changes that will impact on the Gulf in the life of the next plan
  • amendments to the RMA
  • new legislation such as the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act
  • case law from appeals to resource consents and plan changes which provide feedback on the effectiveness of plan provisions.