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District Plan Hauraki Gulf Islands Section - Proposed 2006

(Notified version 2006)

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Part 13 - Connectivity and linkages

13.1 Introduction
13.2 Resource management issues
13.3 Resource management objectives and policies
13.4 Resource management strategy
13.5 Rules - notification requirements
13.6 Rules - site access
13.7 Rules - parking and loading
13.8 Rules - helipads and airstrips

13.1 Introduction

Connecting people, places, goods and services is an important issue in the islands. The transport system must cater for the movement of people and goods between the mainland and the Hauraki Gulf, between islands in the Hauraki Gulf, and around the islands themselves. The components of the transport system that connect people, places, goods and services include wharves, airfields, passenger transport, roads, cycleways, walkways and waterways. The use and development of these resources needs to be integrated with other natural and physical elements of the gulf islands to achieve sustainable management. This part of the Plan seeks to facilitate a sustainable approach to transport, and this will be the cornerstone of council's approach to addressing transport issues throughout the islands.

13.2 Resource management issues

Transport to, from, between and around the islands is a vital issue for residents and visitors alike. It has had, and will continue to have, considerable influence on the character and culture of the islands. It is therefore important that transport issues are robustly addressed in the Plan in a manner that is consistent with other relevant legislation, strategies, policy documents and plans, but which also recognises the unique influence transport issues have on the people and communities of the islands. The following issues are identified for the different modes of transport and associated natural and physical resources.

13.2.1 Water

The waters of the Hauraki Gulf provide strategic linkages between the islands and from the mainland. They form an integral part of the overall transport network of the islands. A number of different types of water transport occur within the Hauraki Gulf. These currently include commuter and visitor ferry links, freight movement, charter boats, recreational boats and cruise ships. While the council's authority under the RMA extends only to mean high water springs, land use decisions impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of water transport. It is therefore important that the council works closely with the Auckland Regional Council, other relevant authorities, passenger transport operators and stakeholders to ensure an integrated and sustainable approach is undertaken.

Principal issues

The significant resource management issues which need to be addressed in the Plan are:

  1. How to ensure close working relationships between the council and the relevant statutory bodies and stakeholders, who have authority and interests in the coastal marine area, to ensure an integrated and sustainable approach is undertaken to water transport.
  2. How to protect the character and amenity of the islands while providing the necessary infrastructure to serve the needs of water transport and freight operators and recreational users.

13.2.2 Wharves

Wharves are a significant asset providing access for people, goods and services to and from the islands, as well as being used for boat launching, yachting and recreational fishing. Wharves also often require passenger terminals and connections to other land transport infrastructure such as carparking, bus stations, walkways, cycleways and taxi services to operate efficiently and effectively. While wharves within the Hauraki Gulf are controlled by other parts of the Plan, and the Auckland Regional Plan: Coastal, the connectivity and linkages section must be integrated with these provisions, and ensure that access to and from the wharves operates efficiently and effectively.

Principal issue

The significant resource management issue which needs to be addressed in the Plan is:

  • How to ensure that the land transport system that provides for access to wharves within the islands operates effectively and efficiently.

13.2.3 Airstrips and helipads

The council owns and operates two airstrips on Great Barrier. The Plan acknowledges that air travel to Great Barrier is of increasing importance and that Claris airfield in particular plays a significant role in moving people and goods and helps enable the people and communities of Great Barrier to provide for their social and economic wellbeing.

There are also smaller airstrips and helipads in the islands. Some of these airstrips and helipads provide access to remote locations, or are used in the landform land units for farming operations. Others provide access to sites that are more easily accessed by other modes of transport, or for commercial operations. Air travel has different effects to land based transport, particularly noise.

Principal issues

The significant resource management issues which need to be addressed in the Plan are:

  1. How to provide for the effective and efficient operation of airfields used for passenger transport purposes so they can serve the wider community, both now and in the future.
  2. How to provide for continued private air access to remote locations.
  3. How to ensure that the adverse effects of air travel are mitigated or avoided, where necessary.

13.2.4 Roading

The road network caters for passenger transport, private vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. It is used for access to shopping, employment, education, entertainment, recreation and to access the wharves and airfields that provide for entry and exit to and from the islands. Therefore, it is a very important physical resource. While the quality of the road network is variable it still represents a significant physical resource that must be sustainably managed.

The construction of new roads may give rise to adverse effects, such as sediment runoff from earthworks, stormwater runoff and vegetation removal. The council needs to consider how the construction of new roads will be managed to ensure that the adverse effects are adequately mitigated.

The Plan acknowledges that there are many unformed legal roads, especially on Great Barrier. Many of these unformed legal roads are unlikely to be constructed due to a variety of factors, such as their location, geography and demand. The council must therefore consider how these are addressed in the future.

Principal issues

The significant resource management issues which need to be addressed in the Plan are:

  1. How to maintain accessibility and mobility while appropriately managing the traffic effects.
  2. How to manage the construction effects of new roads.
  3. How to manage the unformed legal roads throughout the islands.

13.2.5 Parking and access

The provision and management of parking, loading and on-site circulation plays a significant role in the ability of people to safely and efficiently access land use activities for work, recreation, shopping and business. It directly impacts on the use of private motor vehicles and cycles as a primary mode of transport for these activities. Adverse effects can occur when the demand for parking for an activity exceeds that provided on-site and there is an overspill of parking on the adjacent roadside. The safe and efficient use and capacity of the road can be adversely affected by parked or manoeuvring vehicles, while the amenity of an area can also be adversely affected by on-street parking. To avoid or reduce these effects, the Plan ensures that adequate on-site parking and loading is provided for all activities. However, the council is mindful that on-site parking can generate adverse effects such as vegetation modification and removal, increased impervious surface areas, reduced private open space, reduced wastewater disposal areas, increased earthworks and sediment runoff. An oversupply of parking can also encourage reliance on private vehicle trips when viable alternative modes of transport are available.

Unrestricted vehicle access to properties located near intersections, or on busy roads with an important through traffic function can adversely affect the efficient functioning of the road network, and give rise to safety issues. Also, many sites on the islands are steep and well vegetated, which can make access difficult. Development of accessways can give rise to adverse effects, such as vegetation removal, earthworks and sediment runoff, and stormwater runoff. Given the need for on-site wastewater disposal and the rural nature of large parts of the islands, the site sizes are relatively large. Dwellings are often located considerable distance from the road, either to maximise views, access to sunlight, or achieve appropriate building platforms which in turn means that accessways are long. It is therefore necessary for council to control accessways to ensure appropriate access is provided, without giving rise to adverse environmental effects.

Principal issues

The significant resource management issues which need to be addressed in the Plan are:

  1. How to ensure that an appropriate level of on-site parking is provided so that amenity, accessibility and the efficient operation of the transport network is maintained, while not giving rise to adverse effects.
  2. How to ensure that access to sites does not cause significant adverse effects and that it is not left unrestricted at inappropriate locations.

13.2.6 Cycling and walking

The council recognises the important contribution that cycling and walking can make to managing travel demand through its Cycling and Walking Strategy 1998. However, in the islands the sealed carriageway of many roads is not sufficiently wide for safe cycling, and cycling facilities are only provided for in limited locations. For pedestrians, only parts of the islands have footpaths.

Principal issues

The significant resource management issues which need to be addressed in the Plan are:

  1. How to encourage a safe and efficient pedestrian and cycle network in the islands.
  2. How to ensure that adequate provision is made for bicycle facilities so that cycling is appropriately recognised and provided for.

13.2.7 Passenger transport

Passenger transport is the principal means of access to the islands from the mainland. It is also an important method of transport around the islands. Existing bus services on some islands link with the ferry service. With car travel putting pressure on the existing road network it is important that the Plan integrates land use planning with transport and provides for the efficient and effective operation of passenger transport.

Principal issue

The significant resource management issue which needs to be addressed in the Plan is:

  • How to ensure that the importance of passenger transport is recognised in the Plan and its use encouraged throughout the islands.

13.3 Resource management objectives and policies

13.3.1 Objective - wharves

To sustainably manage the use and development of the islands' wharves and associated infrastructure, while protecting the character and amenity values of the islands.


  1. By recognising and providing for wharves and associated infrastructure at appropriate locations.
  2. By integrating the land transport network with wharves to ensure accessibility to and from the islands is maintained and enhanced.

13.3.2 Objective - airstrips and helipads

To sustainably manage the use of the islands' airstrips and helipads and associated infrastructure, while protecting the character and amenity values of the islands.


  1. By recognising and providing for the use and development of airstrips used for passenger and goods transport purposes and their associated infrastructure at appropriate locations.
  2. By avoiding the location of activities sensitive to aircraft noise within the Claris and Okiwi airfield noise contours, unless the adverse effects can be adequately mitigated.
  3. By recognising the need for helipads in remote locations, which may be difficult to access by other modes of transport.
  4. By recognising that airstrips or helipads may be required for farming activities in the landform and rural land units.
  5. By not providing for helipads in locations that can adversely affect the amenity of surrounding residents.

13.3.3 Objective - roading

To recognise and provide for the existing road system as an important resource for an integrated transport network, while managing it to ensure the adverse effects on the surrounding environment are minimised.


  1. By providing for and enhancing the road network to ensure it is safe, effective and efficient for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
  2. By reducing conflicts between vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists around key community focal points, such as wharves, commercial centres, schools and other public facilities.
  3. By requiring a low impact design approach for new roads.
  4. By continuing the council's programme for legalising roads.
  5. By adopting and applying a functional road classification to roads on Waiheke to control access at specified locations.
  6. By discouraging traffic generating activities in environments where they would have significant adverse effects.

13.3.4 Objectives - parking and access Objective

To ensure the impact of activities on the safety and efficiency of the road network is addressed while avoiding adverse effects on the environment.


  1. By requiring sufficient on-site parking to meet the demand generated by different activities.
  2. By ensuring that there is not an oversupply of on-site parking, which can encourage traffic generation and result in unnecessary on-site modification.
  3. By encouraging travel management plans to reduce the adverse effects of travel from new development.
  4. By placing an upper limit on the number of on-site parking spaces which can be provided as of right to avoid the adverse effects associated with oversupply. Objective

To ensure access to sites is provided at appropriate locations, while avoiding or mitigating adverse effects.


  1. By controlling access at specific locations to ensure vehicle, pedestrian and cycle safety.
  2. By controlling access gradients to avoid adverse environmental effects, such as sediment and stormwater runoff, safety, vegetation removal, stability and visual and amenity impacts.
  3. By requiring a low impact design approach for accessways.
  4. By requiring roadside parking platforms rather than accessways where access may give rise to significant adverse environmental effects.

13.3.5 Objectives - cycling and walking

  1. To improve cycling and pedestrian access to key community focal points such as residential areas, wharves, commercial centres, schools, and other public facilities.
  2. To enhance the opportunities for recreational cycling and walking.


  1. By recognising that the road network must provide for pedestrians and cyclists as well as vehicles.
  2. By encouraging the establishment of cycle facilities and cycleways, especially around key community focal points and public facilities.
  3. By providing for the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians, especially around key community focal points and public facilities.
  4. By considering cycling and walking issues when assessing subdivision applications.
  5. By recognising and providing for recreational cycling and walking.

13.3.6 Objective - passenger transport

To recognise and provide for passenger transport to, from and around the islands.


  1. By continuing to improve passenger transport facilities.
  2. By providing passenger transport facilities that integrate all transport modes.
  3. By giving priority to passenger transport where appropriate.

13.4 Resource management strategy

13.4.1 Context

This part of the Plan focuses on matters that are within the domain of resource management. The measures adopted within this part of the Plan need to complement and help give effect to the relevant regional plans and strategies, as well as the council's transport strategy - Connecting People and Places, and the Gulf Transport Strategy. In accordance with these other plans and strategies, the Plan adopts measures that integrate planning, transport and the environment, improve energy efficiency and accessibility and encourage a multi modal approach to transport.

13.4.2 Wharves

The commercial 7 (wharf) and Matiatia land units provide the relevant land use provisions for the land behind the wharves throughout the islands. As wharves are a vital component of the transport infrastructure it is important that this part of the Plan is consistent and integrated with the relevant provisions that control wharves elsewhere within the Plan.

13.4.3 Airstrips and helipads

The council has included within the Plan designations for the commercial airfields on Great Barrier. It may also investigate identifying appropriate sites for helipads on inner islands such as Rakino that do not have regular ferry services. This will provide for their ongoing operational and future development requirements and ensure they are appropriately recognised and provided for in the Plan. Private helipads and airstrips may also be necessary in some remote locations, such as parts of Great Barrier, where access cannot easily be obtained by conventional means. However, the Plan restricts helipads in areas that are easily accessible by more conventional means of transport, and where there is the potential to adversely affect amenity values.

13.4.4 Roading

While the roading network is of variable quality it is a significant resource that needs to be managed in an efficient and effective manner to ensure good accessibility. To achieve sustainable management of this resource a roading hierarchy has been developed to recognise each road's function. The provisions associated with the roading hierarchy will only apply to Waiheke.

The hierarchy comprises primary, secondary and local roads. The classification of the roads determines their management. The higher the classification the more priority is given to the movement of through traffic and, conversely, the lower the classification more priority is given to local access. The higher order roads can be expected to cater for higher traffic flows.

The road classification is as follows:

  1. Primary roads
    These carry the major traffic volumes through the islands.
  2. Secondary roads
    These roads collect traffic from local roads and distribute traffic from primary roads.
  3. Local roads
    The main function of local roads is to give access to adjacent land uses and they have limited through traffic.

All primary, secondary and local roads on Waiheke are identified as such on the planning maps.

The main outcome of the road classification is that it will provide the basis for rules controlling access to be applied to nearby land use activities. This will control the adverse effects of those activities on the safe and efficient operation of the road network.

For new road construction, a low impact design approach will be considered as outlined in the ARC Technical Publication 124 Low Impact Design Manual for the Auckland Region 2000.

13.4.5 Parking and access

In general, all new developments and new activities in existing buildings will be required to provide adequate on-site parking. However, not all activities and developments will be able to, or indeed need to provide the required parking taking into account their particular characteristics. Given the adverse effects of high numbers of private vehicle trips on parts of the road network and surrounding environment, the council seeks to reduce reliance on these trips and encourage alternative modes of transport wherever possible (eg passenger transport, cycling, walking). Because travel distances are considerable on some of the islands and alternative modes are not always available or viable, there will continue to be a certain level of reliance on private vehicle trips. Where activities can practicably be accessed using alternative modes of transport, however, the need for on-site car parking reduces. In these circumstances an oversupply of on-site parking is wasteful of land resources, can adversely affect amenity values and may only encourage continued reliance on private vehicle trips when viable alternatives are available. Through the resource consent application process on-site parking requirements may be reduced or waived where minimal adverse effects can be shown.

Depending on their scale and location, parking areas can have adverse effects on the local environment in terms of increased traffic congestion, delays, decreased safety, noise and visual intrusion. For that reason limits have been placed on the scale of carparks provided for as permitted activities, with the individual effects of larger scale parking areas required to be assessed in terms of the adjoining road network, safety, and amenity values.

Again, the council seeks to reduce reliance on private vehicle trips and encourage alternative modes of transport wherever possible. An oversupply of on-site parking may only encourage continued reliance on private vehicle trips when viable alternatives are available. The consent process will consider the need for larger scale parking areas, and the extent to which the proposed activity could practicably be accessed using alternative modes of transport (eg passenger transport, cycling, walking) with the potential for reducing the number of on-site parking spaces required.

The steepness of site access will be controlled, and where access causes significant adverse effects the council may require a roadside parking platform instead of an accessway. Access will also be controlled where any primary road intersects another primary road or a secondary road. Vehicle access from the carriageway to the property boundary (apart from the defined road boundary on Waiheke) is also controlled through council's vehicle crossing permits (or equivalent) and the relevant engineering standards at that time.

13.4.6 Cycling and walking

Accessibility means access to different transport options as well as access to destinations. It is important that the Plan considers cycling and pedestrian access to key community focal points such as residential areas, wharves, commercial centres, schools, and other public facilities. The policies require the council and applicants to consider cycling and walking issues in conjunction with subdivision. The importance of recreational cycling and walking is also recognised.

13.4.7 Passenger transport

The Plan acknowledges that an integrated passenger transport system can reduce traffic congestion at key locations, increase efficiency and access to the islands and increase its attractiveness as a location. Although the council has limited control over the provision of the passenger transport system, the Plan's objectives and policies support its efficient and effective operation. Where efficient and effective passenger transport is available, the council will consider reducing the requirement for on-site carparking. The Plan also requires an assessment where larger parking areas (for over 25 vehicles) are proposed. As part of that assessment the council will consider opportunities for reducing the number of parking spaces. Excess parking can create unnecessary vehicle trips.

13.4.8 Travel demand management

Travel demand management refers to initiatives (excluding the provision of major transport infrastructure) to modify travel decisions so that more desirable transport, social, economic or environmental objectives can be achieved, and the adverse effects of travel can be reduced. The Plan acknowledges that travel demand management can be a useful tool for reducing the demand for travel, particularly for private vehicles, and providing a wider range of travel choices. The requirement to consider travel demand management initiatives through the resource consent process will help contribute to a sustainable approach to transport.

13.4.9 Roles and responsibilities

The ARC has specific roles and responsibilities in relation to transport and the coastal marine area. This part of the Plan should, subject to the RMA, be consistent with the ARC's strategies, and give effect to the relevant statutory documents.

The Auckland Regional Transport Network Limited (ARTNL) is responsible for developing and maintaining certain aspects of ferry transport infrastructure in the Auckland region.

The Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) is responsible for the operational planning of integrated road and passenger transport infrastructure and services for the region; the funding of Auckland transport projects and services including contracting of passenger transport services; and implementing operational plans through the regional land transport programme.

13.4.10 Construction, maintenance and upgrade of the existing road network

Rules relating to the construction, maintenance and upgrade of the existing road network are contained within part 5 - Network utility services.

13.5 Rules - notification requirements

Within this part of the Plan, except as provided for by section 94C(2) of the RMA, applications for a resource consent for restricted discretionary activities will be considered without public notification or the need to obtain written approval of or serve notice on affected persons (in accordance with section 94D(2) and (3) of the RMA).

13.6 Rules - site access

13.6.1 Vehicle access - gradient

The following is a permitted activity:

  • Any accessway no steeper than 1 in 6.

The following is a restricted discretionary activity:

  • Any accessway steeper than 1 in 6.


An accessway may be steeper than 1 in 6 as a permitted activity when:

  1. It is an accessway for all terrain vehicles such as quad bikes or similar; and
  2. It is provided from a parking platform on the roadside to the dwelling.

Matters of discretion

When considering an application for any accessway steeper than 1 in 6, the council has restricted its discretion to considering the following matters:

  • Whether a low impact design approach has been used.
  • Whether construction of the accessway requires the modification or removal of protected vegetation.
  • Whether there are any earthworks required for establishment of the accessway and any subsequent sediment runoff.
  • The extent to which stormwater runoff can be avoided, or mitigated.
  • Whether there are adverse visual and amenity issues associated with the accessway.
  • Whether the materials used give rise to reflectivity issues.
  • Whether the accessway gives rise to geotechnical or stability issues.
  • Whether the accessway gives rise to any safety issues.
  • Whether the location and design of the proposed access to the site gives rise to traffic or pedestrian safety considerations.

Where the adverse effects associated with establishing access to a site are significant, the council may as part of any resource consent process, require the applicant to provide a roadside parking platform rather than an accessway.

Notification requirements

For notification requirements, refer clause 13.5.

13.6.2 Vehicle access near intersections - defined road boundary

Construction of any vehicle access across the 'defined road boundary' as described below, and as shown on figure 13.1: Defined road boundary, is a restricted discretionary activity. This rule applies to:

  1. Any access from a primary road boundary, which is within 50m of an intersection with any other primary road boundary. Refer to figure 13.1.
  2. Any access from a primary road boundary, which is within 50m of an intersection with any secondary road boundary. Refer to figure 13.1.
  3. Any access from a road boundary opposite any of the above road boundaries.

Note: The above distances will be measured as illustrated by figure 13.1:

Figure 13.1 Defined road boundary

Matters of discretion

When considering an application to construct a vehicle access across the 'defined road boundary', the council has restricted its discretion to the following matters:

  • The extent to which there are existing traffic problems on adjacent roads.
  • Whether the access is likely to cause traffic congestion and/or conflict between pedestrian, cyclists and vehicles.
  • Whether the location of the access will allow for adequate sight distances, or exacerbate present congestion and traffic safety problems caused by ingress and egress of vehicles.
  • Whether the accessway will be sufficiently separated from pedestrian and cycle access to ensure safety of pedestrians and cyclists.

Note: Vehicle crossing permits will also be required from council for vehicle crossings between the carriageway and the property boundary.

Notification requirements

For notification requirements, refer clause 13.5.

13.7 Rules - parking and loading

13.7.1 Provision of parking and loading spaces

The following are restricted discretionary activities:

  1. Any activity that does not comply with the parking and loading rules.
  2. Any activity required to provide, or where it is otherwise intended to provide, parking for more than 25 vehicles.

13.7.2 Number of parking spaces to be provided

Every owner or occupier who constructs, substantially reconstructs or adds to any building or changes the use of any site must provide on-site parking in accordance with table 13.1: Number of parking spaces required. For dwellings, these provisions will only apply where there is an increase in the number of dwellings on the site.

Calculation of parking requirements

Where a particular site supports more than one activity, the parking requirement of each activity must be determined and provided for separately. The parking rates for the parts of an activity will also be separately determined where separate rates are listed in table 13.1. Where the parts of an activity have differing parking rates listed, the highest rate will be applied to all the parts unless they are physically and clearly defined.

If an activity is not represented in table 13.1, the activity closest in nature to the new activity should be used, or where there are two or more similar activities the activity with the higher parking rate will apply. Alternatively application may be made for a new rate through the resource consent process.

Table 13.1: Number of parking spaces required

Activity Parking spaces required
Art galleries and museums 1 space for every 50m2 of gross floor area.
Accommodation for care 1 space for every three residents the facility is designed to accommodate.

1 space for every two non-resident employees.

1 space for any manager's unit.

Accommodation for retired, elderly or disabled people 1 space for every five rest home beds.

Excluding rest home beds, 1 space for every three units or, where the accommodation provided is not in the form of units, 1 space for every three bedrooms.

1 visitor space for every five units or five bedrooms.

1 space for every two non-resident employees.

1 space for every resident caregiver.

Boarding house or hostel 1 space for every three residents the boarding house or hostel is designed to accommodate.

1 space for every two non-resident employees.

1 space for any manager's unit.

Boarding kennels and catteries 1 space for animal drop-off/pick-up purposes for every 20 animals the facility is designed to accommodate.

1 space for every two non-resident employees.

Camping facilities 1 space for every two camp sites.

1 space for every two non-resident employees.

1 space for any manager's unit.

Care centre 1 space for every ten children or people the facility is designed to care for.

1 space for every two employees.

Community facilities 1 space for every four people a public hall or recreation facility is designed to have capacity for, or for churches, 1 space for every 4.5m2 of floor area of the auditorium of the church or 1 for every 4.5m2 of the total floor area of all meeting rooms (whichever is the greater). Provided that the term auditorium means the primary place of assembly (including any nave/congregational seating area) and any adjacent gallery or room which is separated by non-permanent partitions, but does not include any chancel, sanctuary or stage.
Dwellings 1 space for each dwelling.
Educational facilities For primary and intermediate schools:

1 space for every 15 students to be available for the setting down and picking up of students, plus 1 space for every two employees on the site.

For secondary schools:

1 space for every 30 students aged 15 years and over, plus 1 space for every 30 students for the setting down and picking up of students, plus 1 space for every two employees on the site.

For tertiary facilities:

1 space for every three students present on site at any one time, plus 1 space for every two employees on the site.

Entertainment facilities 1 space for every three people the facility is designed to have capacity for.
Function facilities 1 space for every five people the facility is designed to have capacity for.
Funeral parlours 1 space for each employee, plus where funeral services are performed (eg chapel) 1 space for every five persons the facility is designed to have capacity for.
Healthcare services 1 space for every 20m2 of gross floor area.
Home occupations 1 space for home occupations where retail sales are permitted.

1 space for any non-resident employee.

(In addition to the parking space required for the dwelling)

Homestays 1 space for every three bedrooms (used for the homestay).
Industry (excluding wineries) 1 space for every 50m2 of gross floor area plus, in the case of a motor vehicle servicing premises, 4 spaces for each repair or lubrication bay.

1 space for every 100m2 of outdoor space used for industrial purposes.

Motor vehicle sales 1 space for every 20 vehicle display spaces.

1 space for each 50m2 of the gross floor area of the remaining building used in the activity.

Motor vehicle services 4 spaces for each repair or lubrication bay.

1 space for each 50m2 of the gross floor area of the remaining building used in the activity.

Offices 1 space for every 50m2 of gross floor area.
Restaurants, cafes and other eating places 1 space for every six customers the premises are designed to have capacity for.

1 space for every two staff employed on site or operating from the site at any one time.

Retail premises 1 space for every 40m2 of gross floor area.

1 space for every 40m2 of outdoor retail.

1 space for every 80m2 of gross floor area specifically set aside and used exclusively for staff amenity activities (including staff cafeterias, staff rooms, staff recreation and ablution uses).

1 space for every 80m2 of office and storage space ancillary to the primary retail activity of the building.

Service stations 1 space for every 40m2 of gross floor area of retail shop.

1 space per two employees.

4 spaces for each repair or lubrication bay.

1 space per air hose or vacuum cleaner.

2 queuing spaces per car wash.

Taverns 1 space for every six persons the tavern is designed to have capacity for.
Tourist complexes 1 space for every three units or, where the accommodation provided is not in the form of units, 1 space for every three bedrooms.

1 space for every two employees.

1 space for every four customers the restaurant is designed to have capacity for.

1 space for every five people the function facility is designed to have capacity for.

Visitor accommodation 1 space for every two non-residential employees.

1 space for every three units or, where the accommodation provided is not in the form of units, 1 space for every three bedrooms.

1 space for any manager's unit.

Wineries 1 space for every two employees.

1 space for every 50m2 of gross floor area of retail shop.

The parking space requirements in table 13.1 include any spaces required to be provided under the building code for people with disabilities.

13.7.3 Number of loading spaces to be provided

With the exception of service stations and truck stops, every owner or occupier who constructs, substantially reconstructs, or adds to any building in the commercial 1-7 or Matiatia land units, or any activity elsewhere which generates delivery trips by heavy vehicles, must provide off-road loading spaces in accordance with table 13.2: Number of loading spaces to be provided.

For the purposes of this clause, truck stops are stand alone facilities for the refuelling of heavy vehicles. It excludes facilities for the retail sale or hire of any goods, or for the mechanical repair and servicing of motor vehicles.

Table 13:2: Number of loading spaces required

1. Industry, wineries and retail premises
Gross floor area of activity Number of on-site loading spaces to be provided
0 - 5,000m2 1 space
5,001 - 10,000m2 2 spaces
Over 10,000m2 2 spaces plus 1 space for every additional 5,000m2 of gross floor area
2. Offices, visitor accommodation, healthcare services and other activities not mentioned in (1) above
Gross floor area of activity Number of on-site loading spaces to be provided
0 - 20,000m2 1 space
20,001 - 50,000m2 2 spaces
Over 50,000m2 2 spaces plus 1 space for every additional 25,000m2 of gross floor area
3. Service stations and truck stops
No loading space is required where it can be demonstrated that there is adequate space on the forecourt of the service station or truck stop for loading activities to take place without adversely affecting vehicle manoeuvring on the site.

13.7.4 Assessment and formation of parking and loading areas

All parking and loading spaces must comply with the following rules. Non-compliance with any of these rules is a restricted discretionary activity.

  1. Fractional spaces
    Where an assessment of the required parking and loading standards results in a fractional space, any fraction under one half will be disregarded and any fraction of one half or more will be counted as one space.
  2. Size of and access to parking and loading spaces
    Every parking and loading space must:
    1. Comply with the dimensions in figures 13.2: Manoeuvring and parking space requirements, table 13.3 Dimensions for manoeuvring and parking spaces and figure 13.3: Preferred design envelope around parked vehicle. Parking spaces that comply with the preferred design envelope of figure 13.3 are considered to comply with the requirements of figure 13.2 and table 13.3.
    2. Provide parking spaces of larger dimensions than those specified in (a) above for use by disabled persons. Parking spaces which meet the requirements of NZS 4121:1985 Code of Practice for Design for Access and Use of Buildings and Facilities by Disabled Persons will be considered to meet this requirement.
    3. Be provided with such access drives and aisles as are necessary for ingress and egress of vehicles to and from the road, and for the manoeuvring of vehicles within the site. In determining the extent of area required for manoeuvring space, the council will be guided by figure 13.4: 90 percentile car tracking curves and figure 13.5: 90 percentile truck tracking curves.

      In applying the tracking curves:

      • The clearances identified in figures 13.4 and 13.5 must be maintained between the vehicle tracking area curve and any fixed object.
      • For public and customer carparking, the 90 percentile tracking curves will apply.
    4. Be located on the same site as the activity to which it relates, be available at all times and have adequate useable access to that activity or building. Each loading space must be adjacent to an adequate area for goods handling and must be convenient to any service area.
  3. Formation of parking and loading spaces
    The whole of the parking and loading space or spaces, access drives, manoeuvring areas and aisles must, before the commencement of the activity to which those parking and loading spaces relate, and for as long as that activity is continued, be formed, provided with an all weather surface, drained, marked out or delineated, and maintained.
  4. Availability of parking and loading spaces
    Required parking areas must be kept clear and available at all times, free of charge and impediment, for vehicles used in conjunction with the particular activity to which the parking spaces relate on the site, and must not be used for the deposit or storage of any goods or materials or for any other purpose.
  5. Screening of spaces
    Screening must be provided where four or more outdoor parking spaces provided on a site are adjacent to or visible from land which is in the island residential or recreation land units or in a settlement area. The spaces must be screened from the land in the island residential or recreation land units or settlement areas by:
    1. A solid wall or fence not less than 1.8m in height, built of concrete, brick, stone, timber or other solid material, or;
    2. Densely planted indigenous vegetation which is capable of reaching a minimum height of 1.8m and will screen the parking spaces throughout the year.
  6. Kerbs
    Where a parking or manoeuvring area on Waiheke is adjacent to a road, then a kerb or similar barrier, not less than 150mm high and at least 600mm from the road boundary, must be provided on those parts of the frontage not used for vehicular access.

Figure 13.2 Manoeuvring and parking space requirements

Table 13.3: Dimensions for manoeuvring and parking spaces

All dimensions are in metres

Parking angle Width of parking space Kerb overhang Depth of parking space Manoeuvring space Total depth one row Total depth two rows
90° 2.5 1.0 4.9 8.1 13 17.9
2.6 1.0 4.9 7.1 12 16.9
2.7 1.0 4.9 6.7 11.6 16.5
>2.75 1.0 4.9 6.6 11.5 16.4
75° 2.4 1.0 5.2 6.5 11.7 16.9
2.5 1.0 5.2 6.0 11.2 16.4
2.6 1.0 5.2 5.7 10.9 16.1
2.7 1.0 5.2 5.0 10.2 15.4
>2.75 1.0 5.2 4.3 9.5 14.7
60° 2.4 1.0 5.2 4.6 9.8 15.0
2.5 1.0 5.2 4.1 9.3 14.5
2.6 1.0 5.2 3.5 8.7 13.9
2.7 1.0 5.2 3.3 8.5 13.7
>2.75 1.0 5.2 3.2 8.4 13.6
45° 2.4 0.8 4.9 2.9 7.8 12.7
2.5 0.8 4.9 2.7 7.6 12.5
2.6 0.8 4.9 2.5 7.4 12.3
2.7 0.8 4.9 2.4 7.3 12.2
>2.75 0.8 4.9 2.3 7.2 12.1
30° 2.4 0.6 4.0 2.4 6.4 10.4
2.5 0.6 4.0 2.4 6.4 10.4
2.6 0.6 4.0 2.4 6.4 10.4
2.7 0.6 4.0 2.3 6.3 10.3
>2.75 0.6 4.0 2.3 6.3 10.3
Parallel 5.9 0.4 2.5 3.6 6.1 8.6
6.1 0.4 2.5 3.3 5.8 8.3
6.3 0.4 2.5 3.0 5.5 8.0


  1. This table should be used in conjunction with figure 13.2: Manoeuvring and parking space requirements.
  2. Minimum aisle widths are 3.5m for a one-way aisle, and 5.5m for a two-way aisle. Where an aisle serves more than 50 spaces, it should be designed as a circulation route in which case the minimum width for a two-way aisle increased to 6.5m.
  3. Stall widths must be increased by 0.3m where they abut obstructions such as columns or walls.
  4. All overhang areas must be kept clear of objects greater than 150mm in height.
  5. Where parallel end spaces have direct access through the end of the stall the length of the stall may be reduced to 5.4m.
  6. One-way traffic is assumed for angle spaces.
  7. Parking spaces must have a height of at least 2.3m over the full area of the space, except where special provision is made to divert overheight vehicles, in which case the minimum height may be reduced to 2.1m.
  8. Parking spaces that comply with the preferred design envelope of figure 13.3 are considered to comply with the parking spaces dimensions in the table 13.3.

Figure 13.3 Preferred design envelope around parked vehicle

Figure 13.4

Figure 13.4 90 percentile car tracking curvesImage not to scale. Click here for printable version of Figure 13.4 to correct scale.

Figure 13.5

Figure 13.5 90 percentile truck tracking curvesImage not to scale. Click here for printable version of Figure 13.5 to correct scale.

13.7.5 Matters of discretion for a reduction in parking and loading spaces

When considering an application to reduce the number of parking and loading spaces, the council has restricted its discretion to considering the following matters:

  • The availability of alternative modes of transport for accessing the site.
  • The effects of constructing the spaces for which a reduction is sought - including any requirements for earthworks, vegetation clearance, or other modification of natural features.
  • Any travel demand management measures proposed.
  • The likely demand for the spaces.
  • The physical practicality of providing the required spaces, including any effect on the ability to provide on-site effluent disposal.
  • The availability of alternative spaces in the vicinity.
  • Any opportunities for sharing spaces with other users.

Assessment criteria

The council's assessment of an application for a reduction in parking and loading spaces will consider the following matters:

  1. Whether it can be demonstrated that a substantial number of customers or users of the proposed activity will access the site by using public transport, car-pooling, taxis, cycling, or walking. Where an applicant can demonstrate that cycle facilities are needed and will be used, a reduction of 1 parking space for every 8 spaces required may be approved where the applicant provides enclosed secure parking facilities (eg bike lockers) for at least five bicycles.
  2. Whether provision of the required number of spaces would necessitate the removal or modification of significant vegetation or other significant natural features on the site and/or require substantial earthworks having the potential for adverse land stability, visual and landscape, and sediment runoff effects.
  3. Whether the application of any travel demand management measures initiated by the applicant can demonstrably reduce the requirement for on-site parking.
  4. Whether a demonstrably less than normal demand for parking or loading will be generated by the proposal - eg due to specific business practice, operating method (including the provision of dedicated transport to/from the site by the operator), type of customer.
  5. Whether provision of the required number of spaces would compromise the ability to provide adequate on-site effluent disposal due to the impervious surface required for parking purposes.
  6. Whether or not it is physically practicable to provide the required number of spaces on site in terms of the existing location of buildings, availability of access to the road, and other similar matters.
  7. Whether there is an adequate alternative supply of parking in the vicinity - eg public carpark, formed angle parking on adjacent roads. In general on-road parallel parking, particularly in residential streets or roads with an important through-traffic function in the roading hierarchy, is not considered a viable alternative.
  8. Whether there is an accessible and adequate on-road loading space in close proximity or the ability to create such a loading space.
  9. Whether other activities on the same or nearby sites operate at different times and can share car parking and/or loading spaces. In such a situation the council will require a legal agreement between the applicant and owner of the site(s) confirming such an arrangement.

Notification requirements

For notification requirements, refer clause 13.5.

13.7.6 Matters of discretion for parking areas for more than 25 vehicles

When considering an application to provide parking for more than 25 vehicles, the council has restricted its discretion to considering the following matters:

  • Opportunities for reducing the number of parking spaces.
  • The design of vehicle access to the parking areas.
  • The design of the internal vehicle circulation and its safety and efficiency.
  • The proximity of the parking area to residential uses and any screening.
  • The formation of the parking area.

Assessment criteria

The council's consideration of an application for parking areas for more than 25 vehicles will consider the following matters:

  1. Whether the number of parking spaces could be reduced, taking into account:
    • The ability for customers or users of the proposed activity to practicably access the site by using passenger transport, cycling, or walking.
    • Whether the proposed activity will generate a demonstrably less than normal demand for parking - eg due to specific business practice, operating method (including the provision of dedicated transport to/from the site by the operator), type of customer.
    • Any travel demand management measures.
  2. The extent to which vehicle access to parking areas will be designed to:
    • ensure adequate sight distances
    • prevent congestion caused by ingress and egress of vehicles
    • provide adequate separation from pedestrian access to ensure the safety of pedestrians.
  3. Whether the parking areas will be designed to provide safe and efficient internal vehicle circulation.
  4. The extent to which parking areas are to be located away from residential uses. Where this is impracticable, adequate screening must be provided in the form of fencing and/or landscape planting in order to prevent adverse noise, visual, or lighting effects on adjoining residential uses.
  5. Whether the parking areas are properly graded, formed to prevent dust nuisance and drained to prevent concentrated runoff of water from the site.

Notification requirements

For notification requirements, refer clause 13.5.

13.7.7 Additional matters of discretion for parking areas in landform and rural land units

Where more than 25 parking spaces are to be provided on a site in the landform and rural land units, the council will consider the effects of the additional traffic generated by the proposed activity. When considering such applications, the council has restricted its discretion to considering the following matters:

  1. The matters set out in clause 13.7.6.
  2. The adequacy of roads giving access to the site, having regard to:
    • Whether the current physical condition of the roads and their function in the roading hierarchy can accommodate the additional traffic generated by the activity.
    • Whether the activity will adversely affect the safety of road users, including cyclists and pedestrians.
    • Any travel demand management measures initiated by the applicant.
  3. The extent to which the traffic generated by the activity has an effect on amenity values.

13.8 Rules - helipads and airstrips

13.8.1 Exceptions

Clauses 13.8.2 to 13.8.4 do not apply to:

  1. Helicopters or aircraft involved in emergency, police or rescue operations.
  2. The existing Claris and Okiwi airstrips.

13.8.2 Permitted activities

For Great Barrier only, helipads and airstrips in are permitted in landform 1-7, where:

  1. No more than three inward and three outward movements occur in a seven day period; and
  2. The noise from any landing area does not exceed an Lmax of 85dBA measured at any adjacent notional boundary with a residential use on an adjacent site.

13.8.3 Discretionary activities

Helipad and airstrips are discretionary activities in the following land units:

  1. Landform 1-7 - except as provided for in clause 13.8.2.
  2. Rural 1-3 - provided they are used for no more than three inward and three outward movements in a seven day period.
  3. Pakatoa and Rotoroa - provided that this is limited to one helipad or airstrip per island.

13.8.4 Non-complying activities

Helipad and airstrips not provided for in clauses 13.8.1 to 13.8.3 above are non-complying activities.

13.8.5 Assessment criteria for discretionary activities

The council's assessment of an application for a helipad or airstrip as a discretionary activity will include consideration of the following matters:

  1. The extent to which the helinoise boundary meets or exceeds the limits of acceptability of table 1 of NZS 6807:1994 Noise Management and Land Use Planning for Helicopter Landing Areas.
  2. The extent to which the airnoise boundary meets or exceeds the recommended noise control criteria of table 1 of NZS 6805:1992 Airport Noise Management and Land Use Planning.
  3. Whether the type and size of the facility to be provided gives rise to adverse visual, or amenity effects.
  4. Whether the noise impacts of the proposal can be adequately mitigated so as not to give rise to adverse aural and amenity effects.
  5. The extent to which the frequency and timing of any use will give rise adverse effects.
  6. Whether the applicant proposes to undertake monitoring and regular noise audits.
  7. The extent to which the aircraft using the helipad or airstrip impacts on noise sensitive activities or facilities.
  8. The hours of operation of the helipad or airstrip.

Note: The council intends to investigate identifying a specific helipad site on Rakino. A time limit should therefore be considered for any resource consent that may be granted for a helipad on Rakino where this occurs prior to the council identifying a specific site.